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[deprecated] How to backup MariaDB on linux

August 22, 2016 Anders Andersen

Note: This article is deprecated since version 1.6 of the Linux agent. But are still useful if running old versions and offline configuration. Regarding any information please contact the support on

This article is for you who are using MariaDB as database server and explains how to backup MariaDB from a Linux Server using Backup Bird.

Edit the config file on the server

sudo nano /etc/backupbird/conf.toml

Insert the following into the configuration file, and add your infomation.

driver = "mariadb"
hostname = "localhost"
username = ""
password = ""
database = ""
port = "3306"
* The agent uses mysqldump to make the backup. This means you have to install the MariaDb client on the machine

You can backup all databases for the user by defining the database as so:
database = "*"

In some cases you need to backup more than one mysql database. Then you just insert a another block in the configuration

driver = "mariadb"
hostname = "localhost"
username = ""
password = ""
database = ""
port = "3306"

driver = "mariadb"
hostname = "localhost"
username = ""
password = ""
database = ""
port = "3306"

Related articles on the subject database backup:

How to Backup MySQL on Linux
How to Backup MongoDB on linux