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[deprecated] How to install Backup Bird on Linux

August 09, 2016 Anders Andersen

Note: This article is deprecated since version 1.6 of the Linux agent. But are still useful if running old versions and offline configuration. Regarding any information please contact the support on

Before you can use Backup Bird to backup your servers, you must install the Backup Bird Agent on your Server. After adding the server you will see the details for the server including a unique Server Key. You will need that key in this guide.

When you have created a server on your account you are ready to download and install Backup Bird.

Step 1

Logon your server with SSH

Step 2

Download the latest installation file

sudo wget

Step 3

Unzip the installation files

sudo tar -zxvf backupbird-latest.tgz

Step 4

Install Backup Bird agent

sudo ./

Step 5

Before starting the program, you will need to configure the program. Open the configuration file in your favorite editor. In our example we will be using Nano

sudo nano /etc/backupbird/conf.toml

Step 6

In the example below we have configured backup bird to backup a Mysql database and the standard www folder to s3. You need to enter credentials for the mySql Database and Bucket info for your S3 Bucket. The Setting keepOldBackups tell the system how many days the backup will bes stored locally. It you plan to backup once a day our recomendation is 2.

When you are finish, Save and close the editor .

If you need more information about configure Backup Bird for others providers etc. Click here.

backupDir = "" # Where to store the local backup. Default "/etc/backupbird/backups"
keepOldBackups = 5 # How long to keep the local backup
backupNamePrefix = "" # Prefix the zip
backupNameSuffix = "" # Suffix the zip file
# Basic backup settings [backup] folders = ["/var/www/html"] # What folders to backup. Leaves empty if only backing up database. # Provider [[provider]] provider = "s3" region = "eu-west-1" bucket = "backupbird-bucket" accessKey = "" # S3 access key clientSecret = "" # S3 secret # Databases [[database]] driver = "mysql" hostname = "localhost" username = "root" password = "" database = "backup bird" port = "3306"

Step 6

The last thing is to start the Backup Bird agent as a sudo user

sudo service backupbird start

Step 7

Remove the installation files 

sudo rm -rf backupbird*