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[deprecated] Backup to FTP

August 09, 2016 Anders Andersen

Note: This article is deprecated since version 1.6 of the Linux agent. But are still useful if running old versions and offline configuration. Regarding any information please contact the support on

Backup Bird is a Server Backup service.    

Before configuring FTP (or even better SFTP),  you will need to get the following information:

  • Host
  • Username
  • Password

Edit the config file on the server

sudo nano /etc/backupbird/conf.toml

Insert the following into the configuration file and update the appropriate fields to contain your specific information:

provider = "ftp" 
host = " 
port = "" 
storePath = "" 
username = "" 
password = ""

If you would also like to make a backup to Amazon S3 you can add a new block, so the configuration file look like this:

provider = "ftp" 
host = " 
port = "" 
storePath = "" 
username = "" 
password = ""

provider = "s3"
region = ""
bucket = ""
accessKey = "" 
clientSecret = "" 

Backup your MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB or MySQL.

You can also add a different provider. Follow the link for a full list of Cloud Backup Providers